European Commission report: Implications for third country issuers - Update

European Commission report: Implications for third country issuers - Update

European Commission report: Implications for third country issuers - Update

Dec 15 2022
On 10 October, the European Commission released its report to the European Parliament and Council on the functioning of the EU Securitisation Regulation. [Read ASF news item]

Following on from this, the ASF has collaborated with a group of associations (in and out of the Eurozone) to prepare a letter addressed to the Joint Committee of the European Supervisory Authorities regarding Article 5(1)(e) of the Securitisation Regulation.

The letter aims to draw attention to the de facto exclusion of EU institutional investors from investing in certain third-country securitisations due to the interpretation of the above article and requests the consideration of a pragmatic supervisory approach until the securitisation disclosure templates are fully reviewed by ESMA in conjunction with both issuers and institutional investors.
The letter is co-signed by AFME, EFAMA, IACPM, Insurance Europe, AIMA/ACC, MFA, ICMA, ISDA, TSI, ASF, SIFMA and the SFA which represent key participants in the European, American and Australian securitisation markets.  

The ASF will provide updates as they become available. In the meantime, please feel free to contact us with any feedback, queries or concerns. 

Read the joint letter >