Auto ABS Performance Tracker

The Australian Securitisation Forum, courtesy of Moody's, is pleased to provide a snapshot of the performance of auto ABS in Australia. The ABS Performance Tracker is updated on a monthly basis. Last update: February 2025 (data until 30 November 2024).

The following transactions are eligible / included in the underlying data for Auto ABS Performance Tracker:

  • Australian transactions only.
  • Public term securitisations only (no warehouses or private securitisations).
  • Rated by Moody’s Ratings or other rating agencies.
  • Current/live transactions only (no terminated or called transactions). The exception to this is in the “Outstanding Balance and Arrears” time series chart where terminated/called transactions are included in the historical data.
  • Security Type Threshold: at least 80% of the underlying pool are passenger and light commercial vehicles. Mixed pool transactions (defined as those where at least 20% of the pool are not passenger and light commercial vehicles) are excluded.
  • The "State Concentration” chart excludes transactions where up-to-date granular data for each state/territory is unavailable.

Outstanding Balance and Arrears (Chart)

Outstanding Balance and Arrears (Data download)


Status of Vehicles

Balloon Loans

State concentration

Security Type




Vladimirs Zlotnikovs
Associate Director – Structured Finance


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