Line of Credit

line of credit is a type of loan that allows the borrower to draw down funds up to a specified limit. In a securitisation transaction, the special purpose vehicle (SPV) may have a line of credit that it can use to fund the purchase of the underlying assets.

There are a number of different types of lines of credit that can be used in securitisation transactions, including:

  • Revolving lines of credit: Revolving lines of credit allow the borrower to draw down funds up to the specified limit and then repay the funds as needed.
  • Term lines of credit: Term lines of credit have a fixed term, after which the loan must be repaid in full.
  • Back-up lines of credit: Back-up lines of credit are only used if the SPV is unable to raise sufficient funds from other sources.

The line of credit in a securitisation transaction can be used to:

  • Provide liquidity: The line of credit can provide liquidity to the SPV by allowing it to draw down funds as needed. This can be helpful if the SPV needs to purchase additional assets or if there is a shortfall in the cash flows from the underlying assets.
  • Reduce risk: The line of credit can reduce the risk of the securitisation by providing a backup source of funds if the SPV is unable to raise sufficient funds from other sources.
  • Improve credit ratings: The line of credit can improve the credit ratings of the securities issued in the securitisation by providing a backup source of funds. This can make the securities more attractive to investors.

The line of credit in a securitisation transaction is an important part of the overall structure. It can help to provide liquidity, reduce risk, and improve credit ratings.