Veda Advantage

Veda Advantage is a credit reporting agency in Australia that provides data on the credit history of individuals and businesses. Veda Advantage's data can be used to assess the creditworthiness of borrowers and to determine the amount of credit enhancement that is required for a securitisation.

Veda Advantage's data is used in a variety of securitisations, including:

  • Mortgage securitisations: Veda Advantage's data can be used to assess the creditworthiness of borrowers and to determine the amount of credit enhancement that is required for a mortgage securitisation.
  • Credit card securitisations: Veda Advantage's data can be used to assess the creditworthiness of borrowers and to determine the amount of credit enhancement that is required for a credit card securitisation.
  • Auto loan securitisations: Veda Advantage's data can be used to assess the creditworthiness of borrowers and to determine the amount of credit enhancement that is required for an auto loan securitisation.

Veda Advantage's data is a valuable tool for securitisation. It can help to ensure that the securitisation is structured in a way that minimizes the risk to investors and improves the liquidity of the securitisation.

Veda Advantage is sometimes referred to as "Veda" or "Veda Group".