ASF National Committee 2021 Dec 08 2020 Following its recent AGM, the ASF has finalised membership of its National Committee for 2021...
ASF Year in Review: 2020 Dec 08 2020 A review of the Australian and New Zealand securitisation industry for 2020 - key themes, issues and ASF acitivities and resources...
Editor's Pick ASF Virtual Symposium 2020 - Session replays now available on demand Nov 30 2020 Visit the website to view the sessions...
ASF Virtual Symposium 2020 - Session replays now available on demand Nov 30 2020 Visit the website to view the sessions...
ASF Virtual Symposium 2020: The Hon Joe Hockey announced as keynote speaker Nov 05 2020 Register now to hear this live session...
ISDA launches IBOR Fallbacks Supplement and Protocol Oct 26 2020 On 23 October, ISDA launched the IBOR Fallbacks Supplement and IBOR Fallbacks Protocol...
ISDA launches IBOR Fallbacks Supplement and Protocol Oct 26 2020 On 23 October, ISDA launched the IBOR Fallbacks Supplement and IBOR Fallbacks Protocol...
ASF Guideline on special purpose financial statements for securitisation trusts Oct 20 2020 An ASF market guideline on what disclosure RMBS and ABS issuers should consider in the preparation of their FY2020 financial statements...
ASF Guideline on special purpose financial statements for securitisation trusts Oct 20 2020 An ASF market guideline on what disclosure RMBS and ABS issuers should consider in the preparation of their FY2020 financial statements...
Editor's Pick ASF Virtual Symposium 2020 - Register now! Oct 15 2020 Agenda announced and registrations now open for the securitisation industry's leading event...
ASIC Report: Allocations in debt capital market transactions (REP 668) Oct 14 2020 REP 668 outlines findings from ASIC’s surveillance of market practices in debt capital market transactions...
AOFM Quarterly SFSF Update Oct 12 2020 The AOFM has released an update on its SFSF activities as at September 30.
Editor's Pick Federal Budget Briefing with Su-Lin Ong (RBC Capital Markets) Oct 09 2020 Webinar replay and resources now available...
AOFM ABSF Update Sep 30 2020 Securitisation market conditions improving but ABSF investment activity likely to remain on hold until the new year...
Editor's Pick Twenty-Twenty Vision: Securitisation in the new decade Sep 24 2020 New report on the findings of a comprehensive study of securitisation industry participants’ views of the emerging landscape in the new decade...
APRA issues letter to ADIs following review of treatment of loans impacted by COVID-19 Sep 22 2020 APRA has written to all ADIs encouraging them to consider areas for better practice...
Managing the risks of holding self-securitisations as collateral Sep 21 2020 Commentary from the Reserve Bank of Australia's September Bulletin...
APRA publishes monthly data on temporary loan repayment deferrals Sep 11 2020 APRA has published the latest data for temporary loan repayment deferrals due to COVID-19, which includes data at both the industry and entity level...
European covered bond harmonisation Sep 03 2020 Learn more about upcoming changes and the ASF working group...
APRA releases letter on changes to Economic and Financial Statistics Aug 28 2020 APRA has released a consultation letter to ADIs and RFCs which proposes to drop the EFS threshold to $3bn which may lead to more entities having to report...
APRA issues letter for ADIs on loans impacted by COVID-19 Aug 13 2020 APRA has written to ADIs to invite them to participate in a consultation regarding capital measures and reporting requirements for loans impacted by COVID-19...
Editor's Pick Key features of the SFSF forbearance SPV Aug 13 2020 The ASF has published a high level summary of the key features of the SFSF forbearance SPV funded by the AOFM...
Updated ASF industry guideline on the treatment of COVID-19 hardship Aug 06 2020 In light of recent announcements from APRA, the ASF has updated this industry guideline on the treatment of COVID-19 hardship...
APRA publishes monthly data on temporary loan repayment deferrals Aug 04 2020 APRA has announced it will publish aggregated data on loan repayment deferrals on a monthly basis...
ASX consultation on changes to the BBSW methodology Jul 31 2020 The ASX has released its consultation paper on the proposed changes and invited feedback from market participants...
Editor's Pick Australian Securitisation Market Update Jul 22 2020 Webinar replay and resources from the ASF's recent investor serminar held on 21 July...
AOFM Quarterly SFSF Update Jul 15 2020 The AOFM has published an update on its SFSF activities as at June 30...
KangaNews Awards 2019: Market People of the Year Jul 14 2020 The ASF congratulates Bianca Spata and Ross Pennington on being recognised for their outstanding contribution...
Editor's Pick Latest edition of ASJ now available Jul 09 2020 Riding out the storm - Australian and New Zealand securitisers in a good position...
AOFM ABSF Update Jul 08 2020 AOFM announces it will not be calling for another round of ABSF proposals at this time.
APRA updates regulatory approach to loans subject to repayment deferral Jul 08 2020 APRA announces an extension of its temporary capital tratment for bank loans with repayment deferrals.
APRA publishes FAQs for ADIs during COVID-19 Jul 07 2020 APRA has published a list of FAQs to provide ADIs with guidance for the period of COVID-19 disruption...
Securitisation deal flow steady but sure Jun 22 2020 KangaNews review of 2020 issuance shows non-bank issuers dominating securitisation supply supported by the government and improving investor sentiment...
Development in interpretation of EU investor due diligence requirements Jun 16 2020 Development in interpretation of EU investor due diligence requirements for third country securitisations under Article 5 of the EU Securitisation Regulation...
Submission on Amendments to Overseas Investment Act & Regulations (NZ) Jun 15 2020 A submission from the ASF New Zealand Market subcommittee supporting the proposed changes...
Understanding IBOR Benchmark Fallbacks Factsheet & Video Interview Jun 04 2020 In advance of its publication of new definitions in July, ISDA has published a fact sheet and video explaining why the changes are necessary...
AOFM SFSF Update: Forbearance SPV Expressions of Interest May 21 2020 The AOFM has today called for expressions of interest from eligible lenders with regards to the use of the Forbearance SPV...
Editor's Pick AOFM and ASF give an update on forbearance SPV May 19 2020 On May 18, the ASF and AOFM provided an update to the securitisation industry on investment by the SFSF and progress on the establishment of a Forbearance SPV...
AOFM SFSF Update - Investment Activity May 11 2020 The AOFM have released a spreadsheet summary of SFSF investments. The spreadsheet covers primary and secondary activity as well as SFSF participation in private warehouses...
Editor's Pick ASF SFSF Update: 'Forbearance SPV' key features released May 06 2020 The ASF has today released a summary document setting out the key features of the forbearance SPV structure...
ASF Guideline on Treatment of COVID-19 Hardship May 06 2020 ASF Market Guideline on treatment and reporting of loans impacted by COVID-19
AOFM SFSF Update - Forbearance SPV Apr 23 2020 An update from the AOFM on progress with the Forbearance SPV...
Letter to NZ Ministry of Business regarding non-bank lenders & COVID-19 Apr 22 2020 A letter compiled by the New Zealand markets subcommittee of the ASF requesting COVID-19 relief...
RBA Market Advice – Reporting loans with COVID-19 deferrals Apr 09 2020 The RBA has published market advice clarifying how COVID-19 repayment deferrals should be treated in the loan-level data reported to the Securitisation System...
AOFM SFSF Update - 9 April Apr 09 2020 The AOFM has provided an update on its plans for SFSF investment...
Co-operation on funding to aid smaller lenders during COVID-19 Apr 08 2020 The ACCC has granted interim authorisation for members of the ASF to work together on the administration of the SFSF...
Editor's Pick ASF Update: Structured Finance Support Fund Apr 06 2020 An update from the ASF on its input into the operation of the Government’s recently established Structured Finance Support Facility...
AOFM to deploy first ABSF funds Apr 03 2020 The AOFM has announced that Judo Bank will be the recipient of its first ABSF investment to support small business lending...
Letter to RBNZ: Issues in the NZ non-bank sector due to COVID-19 Apr 01 2020 A letter compiled by the New Zealand markets subcommittee of the ASF highlighting some issues the NZ non-bank sector is facing due to COVID-19...